1. Public domain songs: The website PDInfo not only provides information about copyright law but also lists all the songs available in the public domain, typically composed or recorded before 1926 as of January 2022. Some more recent songs may also be in the public domain. PDInfo also offers royalty-frRead more

    Public domain songs: The website PDInfo not only provides information about copyright law but also lists all the songs available in the public domain, typically composed or recorded before 1926 as of January 2022. Some more recent songs may also be in the public domain. PDInfo also offers royalty-free music; you pay once for the license and can use the song for any purpose you desire.

    Creative Commons license: Some musicians offer their work under this license, allowing you to use their songs for free either with written permission in certain cases or with no restrictions on use. You can start by searching the Creative Commons site.

    You can buy royalty-free music as well; however, all these copyright-free music options have a copyright associated with them. Public domain music has an expired copyright, Creative Commons has a unique licensing method, and royalty-free songs require a one-time license fee.

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